The Weekend
I should have known how it would go from the beginning. I have this gut feeling, you know? I just I knew it would turn out a bit sour.
Well, I don't have much time so here's the short version:
It began with a post on that goddamn myspace; you know the one. Anyways, a band from Minneapolis posted about needing a drummer. I happened to like this particular band very much, so I sent them a reply saying I'd be interested in the gig. I guess I got this crazy idea cooked up in my head that I could move back to Minnesota and play in this band and it would be a good time. Well, lest to say, the wrote back. They invited me up, in a manner of saying, and what else could I do but accept? So I did, only the thing is, I only told a select few people about it. I didn't want the whole goddamn state knowing I was coming up to try out for this gig in some ghost of a chance I might get it and once again become a citizen of the northern state. Well, things went to shambles from the beginning, but in such an array of different variables.
1.) On the car ride up the first day I have a very long, very gut-wrenching conversation with a former Someone whom things never seemed to go quite right with in one way or other. (I realize that that sentence was riddled with ambiguity but I need to respect the other person's privacy, though I do feel it is a relevant occurance on this recent adventure.)
2.) First session with the band: knowing only two songs from their page I played them both accompanied by a bass and two vocalists. No guitars, no sax; but at least there were hi-hats (I'll explain this later.) The whole thing lasted about fifteen minutes after I had spent nearly forty-five trying to find the goddamn practice space in the middle of the city.
3.) The hidden message: The whole time I am up here it is seemingly for a visit, but as I stated before I wanted to keep my alternative agenda hidden for the time being, both for fear of it blowing up in my face and so a certain person need not know about it until the time were appropriate. My former bandmate of the old band has been wanting me to move back up since I left and start another thing with him. I just can't do it. Not for that. Not that alone. I don't care about being signed or any of that other bullshit. If it happens, cool, if not, who cares? I just want to play some damn fine music, you know? My friend has opposing opinions. Actually, I won't elaborate any further, this is a tale for another time. It goes way, way back.
4.) Ten inches of snow everywhere. Need I say more? It was 68 degrees when I left Joplin.
5.)Session two with the band: This time, bass, guitar, and two singers; almost everybody. But... just as we were about to start the old drummer came in and confiscated his hi-hats. Apparently they weren't his and he needed to return them. Talk about fucking timing. Anyways, the vocalists left the guitar and bass and I played what we could with what we could. Doo wop is impossible without hi-hats. I know this now.
6.) The old bandmate finds out about the whole deal. Yup, now the cat's out of the bag and he probably thinks I am a backstabbing sonofabitch. Well, so be it, I guess. Sometimes you have to go for your own, you know?
There were some damn good things about the trip though too. My dear friend Nick and I had drinks and talk about time, space, and the philosophy of transportation, as well as the lady bartender at Book'Emsm ay yi yi. I played with the little man Carter, who is wild and I feel will take to drumming quite well when he's old enough. The kid hits everything, its awsome. He's a little over a year old, by the way, and my friends son. I finally got to hang out with my cuz. You know, I live up there for a whole fuckin year and see him once but I come up for a weekend and stay at his house twice and find out he can play the goddamn piano like a madman as well as the guitar. Damn those really talented types. They make me feel like an insufficient fool. I didn't get to see everyone, but most of the ones that I really wanted to see. I literally slept in a different city every night. Now I am tired and I have to shower then sleep to wake up to hard, laborous tasks bright and early tomorrow.
I am sorry this could not be more elaborate and detailed. I have a problem with stories, as you might be able to see.