Monday, April 10, 2006

The Sleeping Giant (Some thoughts while attempting to detach myself from the strip club)

"Our nation and society of today is something of a sleeping giant. Many people are seen going about their daily lives as if all is usual and of normal circumstance, however it is very much not so. Profound change is in effect as we rapidly approach each day.

The earth is violent and tumultuous. Famines, pollution, and the instabilities of foreign as well as doemstic governments are found at an all time high. The people do not see this, either by choice or by simple distraction. Technology has, in its own way, produced a kind of numb distraction from the everyday inconveniences of modern life. Infact, the entire movement of our generation seems to be aiming at the proposition of convenience, and the simple stimulations thus produced by it.

It is a frightful time indeed when we, by means of our own device, are ill-prepared for the immense and apparent forces that will dramatically change the way we now live and think. We must take care in observing the obvious nature of our surroundings; worldly, social, and nature-driven."

Sounds pompous and altruistic doesn't it? Well fuck. Really though, there is a sort of distraction in the faces of our everyday common passer-by. People more and more these days have resigned themselves to the simplest information given, leaving no room ofr investigation or personal opinion. It appears that "weather talk" has spilled into all kinds of topics and what is heard is decidedly so. I guess I'm saying, "stop, look around, what do you think?" Sure, we all, by inborn instinct, adhere to this action, but it is less and less seriously considered. I mean, take for instance our last presidential election. Did anyone actually consider what was going to happen with either party. Not really. Not apparently. We all just wanted to watch Kerry bash Bush at the debates, more or less. I don't know much about politics, so I won't use it as my chief source of example, but there are many things that coincide with this problem other than politics.

It is one of those things that is wont of outside opinion. It is one of those things that is a producer of thoughts, and a stimulator of opinions. So say it loud, motherfuckers.

-The Chuck

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