Saturday, December 30, 2006

Rain And Coffee And Nat King Cole Prompt Me To Say...

It is winter and I just don't do much in the winter time. Not because it is cold; on the contrary, it has been quite nice with a few small spells of traditional December weather here. It is not because of the holidays, I don't mind them too much save that they make me feel that time has somehow sped up within the last few years. I just don't do much come winter time. I read, work, and stay in to doors mostly. Listening to music and drinks with friends is about all I can do. Thus, I haven't been producing anything new, which almost scares me, but after this spin has been happening for the past few years, I know it only means I'll start again with new and different perspectives to represent. Different versions of myself, so to speak. I have also had a great many decisions to make that of which deny me the simple luxury of writing poetry well. I have been thinking of going back to further my education in college. This seems like such a simple decision, and to an extent it is, but I do not know if I wish to move or not, which drastically complicates things. I have a sort of life down here. It is one of which I am not ashamed of but I am not satisfied with it either. When the holidays leave this place all of the friends I still talk to will run back to their lives and I will once again be alone in this town with a very short list of those whom I still spend time with, their plates being very full too. That is when you will see the poetry come pouring out of me- when I have no other choice. But then I wonder, "if I become busy myself between work and school will I be forced to neglect my writings and give up the word?" I don't think that this is likely, but life is strange like that. Still, my writing began when I was in school long ago and has thrived ever since nourished by the years of life external to the institutionalized ways of schooling, so I feel that it might only become more frequent from the increase of activity of thought on a broader scale, a controlled scale at any rate. Why I'm telling you all of this is beyond me. Perhaps its simply because I felt the need to write something on this rainy saturday morning and it may as well be explanatory. Maybe I'm just journaling again.

1 comment:

the amien said...

I can relate in so many ways. Decisions, decisions
life, life.

Happy New Year Charlie.
