Just A Walk
Placing the straw stick in my mouth,
Bending my neck slightly down,
The sun pours over my form in droves-
These earthly things are pleasant ones.
I have to admit,
My walks would never be so fine
If they didn't contain just a little bit
Of everything. Of swallows in the hollows,
Of turtle shells shaken by the
Steps approaching.
The goose, the water lily,
The plain old limestone dust
On my soles,
The honey bee thrive
In a field full and fountained
By throes and rushes of thistle
And wildflower.
I realize some things when I walk my walk.
The both of us, like two little goldfish,
Chase each other in the muck,
Daring and comparing,
But the truth is, we're both stuck-
Stuck to be
The same color, the same ardor,
The similar nature, capable enough
To plainly, simply, easily
Love one another the way that
Two goldfish do who play in the waterfall.
I will take my strides,
Eyes wide, and realize that the fall,
The great leap into unknown drifts
Has got to be the very best thing.
I'm not going anywhere special,
Not driving towards anything specific;
I'm just going on another walk-
Just going on another turn of the pond,
Going to find that other goldfish,
That other lovely dusk of hues
A thousand fold in multiplicity;
I'm just takin' a walk your way.