Saturday, June 13, 2015

A Shade of Blue

Driven spirit, worth-secluded
beauty born of modest intention,
why do you resurrect this familiarity?

I thought I'd left it.
It was fielded, and free, away from the
constant compromise I put myself in lately.

But you bid this; you asked for the sleeping giant behind a quiet man
apart from feeling,

And now everything will be climactic;
pure chaos in small incremental ways.

And this small story, this muse,
it will be but one more beautiful step

in the culmination of a grand play
at what the common people call living.

We are but branches caught in tangle,
Gliding down waterfront places for a time.

We will be bold, and brave, and secret.
We will be punctual, concise, and plain about those things of us we love,
and can't change.

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