Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Last Time I Went Home (A Poem of Drunken Debauchery Between A Girl and A Boy)

You appeared, but I didn't ask you to.
You wanted me and I wanted you.
I took a drink and you took my arm.
We found us a table at the back of the bar.
Two drinks in, but I couldn't say a thing...
So we stared at the band,
But the singer couldn't sing
And my ears bagan to ring.
So I doubled up the drinks
And the words began to form,
Then I saw your smiling face
And I knew I wanted more
But the words went out the door;
I sat silent, as before.
Soon we were both tanked,
Laughing and shouting over the band.
By the time we left the bar
I kissed you and you took my hand.
All the way home, we laughed and we laughed
Then I fell on the ground as 1:30 had passed.
I guess eyes and some booze are all I'm getting tonight,
But that's alright, by morning we'll be different.
Morning came, we were a mess.
With spinning heads and alcoholic morning breath.
I saw you peeking at me peeking at you
And then you hit me and you said to me, "hey you."
There went the morning, quiet and awkward.
So I rose from the bed and rubbed my eyes good.
We went downstairs to drink some water;
Three cups later I felt a little better.
Then we sat still and quiet,
All the alcohol had left us.
But somewhere in that midnight hour
I knew that you left me breathless.
So I sat and thought real hard
On the night that had just passed
I remembered Sam and Seu,
And how we laughed and kissed and danced.
Then I smiled and looked at you
While you were laying on the couch.
You were distant, somewhere lost,
I wondered what it was about.
I had to leave, you had to work.
The day was done, and the sunlight hurt.
Outside the door, through squnting eyes
I hugged you once and we said goodbye.
Came the time, as times come
And I drove home, to try and recollect
The way your lips felt with mine
While we stayed awake into the late night.
How awake my body feels when we are dancing.

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