Sunday, June 08, 2014

No armor now. Wide open.
The world comes crashing in.
And the light burns these fresh eyes;
The darkness makes them afraid.
Can I contend with the ghosts of
My past? Can I combat this new image
With nothing of my own to defend?
I'll be alright somewhere, somehow.
I'm capable of being alone.
But to think of all these thoughts,
Feelings, witnessed beauty,
And to share it alone, so sad.
I do not mean that I need some love.
As far as I'm concerned love can
Take a long vacation from me.
But a friend, a close body to confide;
Someone whom I can understand,
Who understands me,
So pleasant, so nice.
We were not made to walk this cosmic
Body alone. We were built to unite.
I am not in unison.

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