Thursday, July 07, 2016

I'm a weirdo.
Uniquely the same as everyone else.
I am lost, like a child sometimes.
The very breath of me is taken straight from the waking
Of my eyes in the morning.
I lose control, so much.
But I always have two feet to stand upon.
I don't want to numb this problem.
I want to feel it sink deep into me and
Cultivate some new thing out of me,
And bind my loose ends and untie my tight holds.
I guess I'm broad and simple.
I live for the learning of it,
Probably don't take enough chances,
But love and do the best I can at all the other advances.
I want love.
I want it very, very much.
I want to be wanted, needed even,
To be a place someone else can go
When the world makes them feel this way.
Who would offer up such a measure?
Who could willingly unfurl their heart to mine,
Bind in a unison,
And go on this adventure of life together?
This is the only question I seek to answer right now.
Because I'll find a new venture.
I'll make a thing for myself that appeals to my higher nature.
I'll best my best again and again.

What good does it do to someone who wants nothing from you?

Selfish, careless love.
It's all I'm seeing in the world.

If I keep my heart on my sleeve,
If I keep allowing myself to be crushed
Will it change a person's mind someday?

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