Friday, October 04, 2013

October 4

The streets sheen from the rain,

Reflecting the glow from houses and streetlights,
And I'm walking down the avenue,
With a cigarette and a small umbrella.

Fall is come,
And all its manners are cruel and real.
Cold comes flooding my face
With gusts of wind and rain;
The snow is soon to find me,
And everyone else I know,
And we will all complain of its coming,
Until we've resigned to the fact that
It's just plain here to stay.

Tonight is reflective,
Like the streets.
Not a clear picture,
But vivid enough to conceal
The reflections of the inner work.
To brave the evening, 
And to settle the substance,
I pour a glass of irish
And sort it out as best I can.

I'm sitting indoors,
My coat still tightly bound.
The only comfort I can fathom
Is too far away from me to be found.
Isn't that just the way,
Isn't that just the way it is?

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