Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A Strange Day

This town is finally, really getting to me. Maybe its just that I'm not busy anymore. I work everyday, and then the weekend comes round and nothing usually comes of it. Sometimes it is good, but mostly I just sit and think about what I would be doing elsewhere. Funny how that works out...

You know, I really wish I could say something wise or meaningful to you here and now but the words aren't coming and they aren't coming more and more often. I don't know what that means either except that perhaps there is some sort of deficiancy in my heart. I don't feel inspired by much anymore. It seems that the people I know and that are around me are distanced; glazed over eyes to the world and I suppose the mirrored face that is mine seems the same to them. Like when we meet one another, and how all these words that should be spoken lay lazy in the backs of throats not wanting to surface themselves. So we just sit quietly and think ever so slightly why we aren't saying what we want to say. Well, whatever it is its only going to become worse before it becomes better.

On a more awkward note, my cat, the ever loveable Jerry, has leukemia and is currently suffering from a nasty lung infection that he might not make it through. My mother is sad and I am too since this will be the second cat of ours this year. I know its only a cat, but this cat is gorgeous and loveable and fat and friendly and he teases my dog and used to chase him around the yard and it was hilarious. He's a talker and a former smoker. He's a damn fine fellow of a feline and if he goes I'm gonna miss the little son of a bitch. Quite strange isn't it? A cat with leukemia? I've never heard of such nonsense, but whatever. I guess now if I get cancer I can say that it runs in the family. Oh well thats an odd thing to think about though too, me getting cancer. I'd be pissed. No kids, no accomplishments, no great adventures; yeah I'd be fairly pissed about it. I probably will have some sort of cancer, lung or liver, if I don't change my ways.

To cats with cancer and deficiencies of the heart,


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