To Anonymous: A Reply To Your Comment
I again apologize for the explosion; it has been a bit of a rough summer for me. In hindsight, you may very well be someone I infact don't know, and therefore couldn't possibly understand what a question like that would do to me, responding and such. Although, you did mention the word "act" which very well leads me to believe that you do infact know me. Ah, fuck it. Who cares, right? Thankyou for responding. If you do know me and feel that I am reserved as opposed to how I write it is for the same reasons and the same actions that I'm sure you commit yourself from time to time. Do you not act differently around your family as you do around your friends or significant other, if even a little? I'm sure, to some extent. I couldn't always be as passionate as how I sometimes write; people wouldn't understand. With the friends that I do have we all posess, in our individual relationships, a sort of understood ground for which we are based on, and we hold that ground until we perhaps see fit to move elsewhere. Some friends just aren't cut out for the sort of things I put down here. Many of my friends don't know about this, nor would I tell them. I would rather be sure, I guess. It's not about judgement either; I've never feared ridicule for the things I prefer, my actions, or interests. It's just out of convenience, I suppose. Oh, on and on I could probably dissect this subject, but I need a shower, and I want to sing a song in the mirror and shave my face and drink some water and smoke two or three or five cigarettes before I rest my head to bed. Goodnight all the rest of you old timey bastards, you devils you.
C.A. Dominick
"Hey, Mr./Mrs. Anonymous, gonna tell me who you are?" If not who, then where from? If you dare, you can send it to my email, if you don't want to have it be for public viewing.
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